社会ソリューション事業におけるユーザー中心設計 : ATMの開発事例

Social Value Design to Solutions for Society : Innovative ATM development process



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We apply user centered design (UCD) to NEC’s social infrastructure through ICT. For example, ATM (automated teller machine) is very important system because people interfere with everyday activities without it. We applied user centered design (UCD) to make social solution systems user friendly. We described characteristics of UCD for solutions for society and development process of ATM. Seven Bank, Ltd. and the NEC Group have co-developed an innovative ATM using UCD in order to achieve a product that will enable a variety of users, including persons with visual impairments, persons in wheel chairs, to use the machine conveniently, safely and securely.

デザイン学研究作品集   [巻号一覧]

デザイン学研究作品集 19(19), 50-55, 2014-03-31  [この号の目次]
