「植物工場」の技術を活かした共同菜園「みらい畑」のデザイン開発 : 宮城県名取市の仮設住宅団地での実践活動を基盤として
Design Development of Joint Vegetable Garden Based on the Technology of Plant Factory
- Hara Hiromichi
千葉大学Chiba University - Imaizumi Hiroko
千葉大学Chiba University - Ashino Manami
千葉大学Chiba University
論文を見る→CiNii (CiNiiのユーザアカウントが必要です)
Plant factory has a technique to provide stable and high efficiency without being affected by the climate pesticide-free vegetables mainly leaf vegetables. By the technology of LED, artificial light plant factory is running realistically. By using the technology, we tried to design development of the joint vegetable garden. The purpose of this is the improvement of community spirit by eat and grow vegetables together. We have developed through support activities in temporary housing complex two places. The reason, we thought because realization of this purpose is appropriate in temporary housing complex of the Great East Japan Earthquake. Now, we completed the installation in this two places, and we are advancing the development program so that it can be used effectively.