IASDR2023 ミラノ工科大学で開催の 発表申込と原稿の投稿〆切が延長されてます。日本デザイン学会会員の皆様の積極的な投稿をお願いします。 The Deadline For the Submission of Full Papers to IASDR 2023 Life-Changing Design is Approaching? The deadline to submit full papers to the 10th congress of the International Association of Societies of Design Research (IASDR) is fast approaching! 7th April 2023 is the submission deadline for full papers and 28th April 2023 is the submission deadline for the Ph.D. consortium, short papers, pictorials, panels, and workshops. Please find more information about IASDR 2023 and how to submit below.? Dates: 09-13 October 2023Venue: Politecnico di Milano In the frame of a post-pandemic era, humanity is at a crossroads between restoration and change, deciding what it is worth to be saved and what we can and should forget. The IASDR congress aims to provide a space for designers, researchers, educators, and students to reflect on the role of design in these transformation processes, and on how design is renewing and transforming itself. The congress welcomes contributions centered in the following tracks:[Changing] Organizations and Policies[Changing] Products and ProductionIdentities and [Changing] Identities[Changing] Ecosystems[Changing] Communities[Changing] Education[Changing] Spaces and Services[Changing] Interaction[Changing] HeritagePlease go here to read full descriptions of the tracks and further submission guidelines.? Important dates:03rd July 2023 ? Notification to authors and feedback07th August 2023 ? Camera-ready submissions deadline for accepted submissions9th-13th October 2023 ? Congress dates Contact: iasdr2023@polimi.itWebsite: https://www.iasdr2023.polimi.it