
Five Senses of Design Workbook






This book is full of imaginative ways of examining the creative mind, in relation to Design practice, using the body’s five senses as a starting point. This book is for anyone; it is easy to understand and allows the creative mind to be led by the expressiveness of form. We seek to nurture a design thinking that will lead to innovative problem solving in many kinds of situations. This book would plays a key role as a tool to spread this way of appreciating the ‘essence’ of design. 12 exercises such as “Auditory Imagination Space”, in which, by listening to only the sound, they imagine the situation, or the image, are made to stimulate the senses, and nurture the creative mind. They are a way of mobilizing one’s five senses into action.

デザイン学研究作品集   [巻号一覧]

デザイン学研究作品集 20(20), 2-7, 2015-03-25  [この号の目次]
