Crank Trick#3: 演出的な開閉動作で見る者に特別な印象をあたえる収納家具
Crank Trick#3: A storage furniture that creates a special visual impression on users due to its dramatic opening and closing process
The author is studying functional furniture developed by applying the link mechanism. A simple link mechanism example is a pipe folding chair, which uses a single link mechanism. More complicated folding can easily be developed by applying multiple link mechanisms that enable a variety of compact furniture to be built. This concept leads to the conclusion that a comfortable living environment can be created even in extremely confined spaces. Although this conclusion is based on a very practical application, the unusual opening and closing movements created by the link mechanism is also expressed visually here as a “dramatic effect.”
(The manuscript was improved by Dr. Daniel J. Sheehy of Aquabio, Inc., Massachusetts, USA)