【JSSD】会員情報管理システム(SMOOSY)の運用開始について /New online membership system “SMOOSY” launched


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学会に登録されているメールアドレスがご不明な場合、ご質問などございましたら、事務局までご連絡(tel: 03-3301-9318,e-mail: jssd@mx10.ttcn.ne.jp)ください。


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本部事務局長 佐藤弘喜

Dear All JSSD Members

We would like to express our sincere gratitude for your continued support of the activities of the Japanese Society for the Science of Design.

We are pleased to announce the launch of the online membership information management system (SMOOSY).
The following tasks, which used to be done by fax or e-mail, can now be done easily anytime, anywhere on a browser by the SMOOSY system.

  • Change the registered membership information
  • Check the payment status of membership fees
  • Apply for a new membership

We would like to ask you to confirm and update your membership information so that the system is put into operation.
(1) Initial registration (confirmation of e-mail address and setting of password)
(2) Confirmation/modification of registered information

In order to do (1) first, please refer to the following procedures and proceed with each procedure.

If you do not know the e-mail address registered with the society, or if you have any questions, please contact the Secretariat Bureau by e-mail (jssd@mx10.ttcn.ne.jp).

Furthermore if you wish to cancel JSSD Membership, please download the cancellation form from the JSSD website from here and complete the necessary procedures.

Thank you for your cooperation.
Sincerely yours

SATO Hiroki