A Development of Calendar for the elderly and handicapped persons by using Universal Design Font including good legibility number characters
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In recent years, Universal Design (UD) are being applied to wide variety areas. In this work, we designed a new calendar by using a special font which has created from “Minna-No-Moji” of our UD font that including good legibility number characters for the elderly and handicapped persons.
Our UD calendar has been designed to corresponding a color UD while enhancing the legibility of the numbers and has its functionality and usability as a calendar. In addition, to cater to the need of color-blind persons, an expression of weekend and holiday notations that does not rely on color has been achieved with the application of cognitive science. During the course of the calendar development, our prototype showed the best result in feasibility evaluation experiments.
- Annual design review of Japanese Society for the Science of Design [List of Volumes]
Annual design review of Japanese Society for the Science of Design 21(21), 38-41, 2016-02-01 [Table of Contents]