Peer Review System for Drawing


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We have developed a tablet application and system to support peer review learning for visual art education. Students can also use their tablet PC to take pictures of their artworks to upload to the server-end of the system. The tablet front-end allows students to review others’ work and provide comments in the form of written text and also comments drawn directly on the artwork. This system provided four view points to grow a drawing technique (“composition” “form” “three-dimensional” “material”). The online peer review system for appreciating an artistic work between students promoted a drawing activity. We found that the students enjoyed collaborative learning using the application. We proposed an improved design of the peer review application for art education that would be useful for students.

Annual design review of Japanese Society for the Science of Design  [List of Volumes]

Annual design review of Japanese Society for the Science of Design 21(21), 54-57, 2016-02-01  [Table of Contents]