
  • 会員登録情報の変更
  • 会費の支払い状況の確認
  • 入会申し込み


The member information management system using SMOOSY provided by Atlas Co., Ltd will be operational from Oct 2021.
This will make it possible to perform the following functions, which used to be done by fax or e-mail, easily by a browser, at any time, from anywhere.

  • Change membership registration information
  • Check the status of your membership fee payment
  • Apply for membership

In order to use the new member information management system, you will need to complete the initial registration process, so please follow the instructions below.

1.下記のサイトを訪れる。/Visit the following URL.


2.初回ログインページへ移動。/Jump to the first login page.


Please click “初めてログインする方はこちら” and jump to the first login page.
*if you don’t know the address you registered before, please contact JSSD Secretariat office via mail.

3.登録メールアドレスもしくは会員番号を入力。 /Enter the e-mail address you had already registered or the member number.

4.メールが送信される。/Send the mail from SMOOSY system.

5.メールを確認し,リンク先へ移動する。 /Check the mail you registered and click URL link.

6.パスワードを設定する。/Set a password.

お好きなパスワードを設定してください。/Set a password as you like.

7.パスワード設定完了,マイページへ移動する。/Complete the initial setting for SMOOSY.


That is all for the initial setting. Thank you for your cooperation!
Please click “
here and check “会員情報の更新方法について” page and update to the latest your information.